Can You Paint Tile in Shower: Guide Through Bathroom Tile Painting

Regarding bathroom renovation, we often consider replacing tiles for a fresh look. But what if you could give your bathroom makeovers without the hassle and cost of tearing them out? The answer lies in a simple yet transformative solution: painting your shower tiles. This article will explore the possibilities, benefits, and steps involved in painting the tiles in your shower.

Can you paint tile in shower?
Can you paint tile in shower?

Can You Paint Tile in Shower?

Yes, you can! Painting tiles in the shower is a viable option for reviving your bathroom’s appearance. However, following the proper steps and using the correct materials is essential for a successful outcome.

Types of paint for shower tiles

Choosing the right paint for wet places is essential when you paint bathroom shower tiles. Here are the kinds of paint people often use for bathroom tiles:

Latex Paint:

Latex or acrylic paint is often famous for painting bathroom tiles. It’s water-based and dries relatively quickly. Look for a high-quality latex paint specifically formulated for use in bathrooms. These paints are designed to resist moisture and provide good adhesion to tile surfaces.

Epoxy Paint:

Epoxy paints are known for their exceptional durability and water resistance. They are an excellent choice for shower tiles as they can withstand constant exposure to moisture and humidity. Epoxy paint provides a solid bond to the tile surface and offers long-lasting results.

Urethane Paint:

You can also use urethane paints to paint shower tiles. They’re good with moisture and make a rigid surface. But they might need more care than regular paint, so be sure to have good airflow and be safe when you use them.

Tile Paint Kits:

Certain companies sell special tile paint kits. These kits have primer and paint just for tiles. They also give you clear directions and make painting easier. Using these kits ensures that the products work well together.

Oil-Based Paint:

Oil-based paints work for shower tiles but aren’t used as much because they take longer to dry and have more pungent fumes. If you go with oil-based paint, be sure it’s made for places with lots of moisture and fights mildew.
When you pick paint for your shower tiles, remember to choose a color that can handle water and lasts a long time. Also, follow what the paint maker says about preparing the surface, putting on the color, and letting it dry. If you do it right and take care of it, the color can make your shower tiles look good for a long while.

How to Paint Tile in Shower

Painting your tiles in the shower can breathe new life into your bathroom without the hassle and cost of tile replacement. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you transform your shower tub and tiles floor with a fresh coat of paint:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Tile cleaner
  2. Sponges and scrub brushes
  3. Sandpaper (120-grit and 220-grit)
  4. Tile primer
  5. High-quality tile paint (designed for bathrooms)
  6. Paintbrush or roller
  7. Painter’s tape
  8. Drop cloths or plastic sheeting
  9. Clear tile sealer
  10. Respirator mask (for ventilation)

Step 1: Prepare the Shower Area

  • Remove fixtures or items that might get in the way of painting, such as shower curtains, hardware, or shelves.
  • Cover fixtures you can’t remove with painter’s tape and plastic sheeting or drop cloths to protect them from paint splatter.

Step 2: Clean the Tiles

  • Use a tile cleaner and scrub brushes to clean the shower tiles thoroughly. Remove soap scum, mineral deposits, and any mold or mildew.
  • Cleanly rinse the tiles, then let them air dry thoroughly.

Step 3: Sand the Tiles

  • Lightly sand the tiles with 120 grit sandpaper to create a rough surface to help the primer adhere.
  • After sanding, wipe down the tiles to remove any dust created during this process.

Step 4: Apply Tile Primer

  • Apply a tile primer specifically designed for use in wet areas like bathrooms. Use a paint roller or brush to ensure even coverage.
  • By the manufacturer’s directions, let the primer dry.

Step 5: Choose the Right Paint

  • Select a high-quality tile paint designed for bathrooms. Ensure it is mold and mildew-resistant for long-lasting results.
  • Choose a color that matches your desired shower aesthetics.

Step 6: Paint the Tiles

  • Start painting with even strokes, working from top to bottom. Use a paintbrush or roller, depending on your preference.
  • After applying the first coat of paint, allow it to fully dry. This typically requires several hours.
  • If needed, apply a second coat following the same drying time for better coverage.

Step 7: Seal the Tiles

  • After the paint has dried thoroughly, apply a clear tile sealer. This protective layer will enhance the durability of your painted tiles and make them easier to clean.
  • As directed by the manufacturer, let the sealer dry.

Step 8: Reassemble the Shower

  • Once the sealer is dry, reattach any fixtures or items you removed earlier.
  • Remove any painter’s tape and plastic sheeting carefully.

Step 9: Enjoy Your Refreshed Shower

  • You can now enjoy a refreshed and transformed bathroom space with your newly painted Bathroom tiles.

Remember that proper preparation and patience are critical to a successful tile-painting project. When done correctly, this DIY endeavor can provide a cost-effective way to update your bathroom and give it a new look.

Is It Feasible to Paint Bathroom Tiles?

Before you begin painting your shower tiles, it’s essential to determine whether your tiles are suitable candidates for this transformation. These are the main elements to think about:

Tile Material:

Your tile type significantly determines whether a painting is feasible.

  • Feasible Materials: Porcelain or ceramic tiles are ideal for painting. These materials provide a smooth, non-porous surface that allows the paint to adhere well and create a lasting finish.
  • Less Feasible Materials: Natural stone tiles, such as marble or granite, are less suitable for painting. These tiles are porous, making it challenging for paint to adhere effectively.

Tile Condition:

The current condition of your shower tiles is crucial. Painting over damaged or deteriorating tiles may not yield satisfactory results. Here’s what to look for:

  • Chips and Cracks: If your tiles have significant chips or cracks, these imperfections may still be visible after painting. Repair or replace damaged tiles before painting.
  • Mold and Mildew: Ensure your tiles are free from mold or mildew. These issues should be addressed before painting to prevent them from reappearing through the paint.

Proper Preparation:

Successful tile painting hinges on meticulous preparation. Here’s what it involves:

  • Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the tiles to remove soap scum, mineral deposits, and contaminants. A clean surface guarantees better paint adherence.
  • Sanding: Lightly sand the tiles to create a slightly rough surface. This helps the primer and paint adhere more effectively.
  • Primer: Apply a suitable tile primer. The primer acts as a bonding agent between the tile surface and the paint, ensuring a durable finish.
  • Choosing the Right Paint: Select high-quality tile paint for wet environments like bathrooms. Look for products that are mold and mildew-resistant.

Paint Quality:

Invest in high-quality tile paint designed for bathroom use. Look for colors that are mold and mildew-resistant. Quality paint not only ensures better adhesion but also a longer-lasting finish.

Color Selection:

Choose a color that suits your bathroom’s aesthetics and your personal preferences. The right color can dramatically impact the overall look and feel of the space.

Proper Ventilation:

Ensure proper ventilation when working with paint and primers in a confined space like a bathroom. Open windows or use exhaust fans to dissipate fumes, and consider wearing a respirator mask for safety.


Ensure the paint you choose is compatible with the primer you’ve applied. Using products from the same brand or line can help prevent compatibility issues.

Proper Application:

Paint to your tiles requires care and precision. Use a roller or brush to ensure even coverage, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next.


After thoroughly drying the paint, applying a clear tile sealer is crucial. This protective layer enhances durability and makes cleaning your newly painted tiles easier.

In summary, you can paint shower tiles if you have the table tiles, fix any problems, prepare the surface, use the correct paint, and seal the tiles well. When you do it right, this DIY project can make your bathroom look better without changing the tiles.

Maintenance and Longevity after Paint Tile in Shower

After you’ve painted your shower tiles, you must take care of them so they stay friendly and last long. Remember these essential maintenance tips:

Regular Cleaning:

  • Mild Cleaners: Regularly clean your painted shower tiles with a soft, non-abrasive cleaner. This will help remove soap scum, mineral deposits, and everyday grime without damaging the paint.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as they can potentially damage the painted surface. Opt for gentle cleaning solutions instead.

Prompt Repairs:

  • Chips and Scratches: Look for any chips, scratches, or damage to the painted surface. If you notice any, it’s essential to address them promptly. Minor touch-ups can prevent further damage and maintain the overall appearance.

Avoid Harsh Impact:

  • Prevent Impact Damage: Be mindful of sharp or heavy objects that could impact the tiles. While painted tiles are durable, they can still be susceptible to chipping or cracking upon severe impact.

Seal the Deal:

  • Reapply Sealer: Periodically reapply a clear tile sealer, especially if water is no longer beading on the surface. Resealing will help maintain the protective barrier and keep your tiles looking fresh.

Proper Ventilation:

  • Ventilation Matters: Ensure your bathroom is well-ventilated to prevent excessive moisture buildup. Adequate ventilation can help prevent mold and mildew growth, which can affect the appearance of the painted tiles.

Gentle Maintenance is Key:

  • Handle with Care: While painting your tiles are durable, they may not be as resistant to abrasion as the original ceramic or porcelain. Handle bathroom fixtures and accessories with care to avoid unnecessary wear and tear.

Regular Inspections:

  • Periodic Check-Ups: Perform regular inspections of your painted shower tiles. This allows you to catch any issues early and take corrective action, ensuring the longevity of your bathroom’s refreshed look.
In short, if you care for your painted shower tiles, they will stay nice for a long time. Follow these rules, and your bathroom will look great for years, making it a lovely and inviting place.

Why Consider Painting Shower Tiles?

Painting your shower tiles can be a worthwhile consideration for several compelling reasons:

Cost-Effective Solution:

Renovating a bathroom can be costly, especially when replacing tiles. Painting, on the other hand, is a budget-friendly alternative that can help you achieve a fresh look without breaking the bank.


When you paint your shower tiles, you get to be creative. You can pick different colors and designs to make your bathroom look how you like it.

Quick Transformation:

Painting your current tiles is faster than removing and putting in new ones. You can often finish it in a weekend and see the change right away.

Eco-Friendly Option:

Opting to paint your shower tiles can be environmentally friendly. It reduces the need for discarding old tiles, which can contribute to landfill waste.

Less Disruption:

Tile replacement projects can disrupt your daily life, often taking several days to complete. With tile painting, the disruption is minimal, allowing you to enjoy your updated bathroom sooner.


In conclusion, painting shower tiles can be a practical and cost-effective way to update your bathroom’s look. It offers customization options, and the results can be long-lasting with proper preparation and maintenance. So, consider giving your shower tiles a fresh coat of paint to breathe new life into your bathroom.


How long does the painted shower tile last?

With the proper preparation and care, painted shower tiles can stay nice for many years without getting chipped or losing color.

Can I paint over the existing tile grout?

It’s best to avoid painting over grout lines as it can affect the appearance. Consider regrouting if needed.

Is it possible to change the tile color dramatically with paint?

You can achieve a significant color transformation with the right paint and technique.

What is the best type of paint for shower tiles?

Choose a high-quality, water-resistant tile color for the best results.

Can I paint over the natural stone tiles in the shower?

It’s not recommended, as natural stone tiles are porous and may not hold paint well. Consider other alternatives for these tiles.

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