Can You Tile Over Tile in A Shower?

When you want to redo your bathroom, you might wonder, “Can we put new tiles on top of the old ones in the shower?” This happens when you want a new look but don’t want to remove the old tiles. In this article, we’ll look at what you can do when tile over tile in a shower. We’ll talk about the good things, the problems you might face, and the steps to do it right.

Can You Tile Over Tile in A Shower?
Can You Tile Over Tile in A Shower?

Understanding the Basics

If you’re considering a bathroom renovation and want to update your shower’s look, tiling over existing tiles can be a practical and cost-effective option. However, before you embark on this project, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals.

Assessing the Condition of Existing Tile

Before diving into the tiling process, it’s crucial to evaluate the condition of the current shower tiles. This assessment will determine whether tiling over them is a viable option. Here are some key factors to consider:

Tile Adhesion

Check if the existing tile on top of old floor levels is securely adhered to the wall. Damaged or loose tiles may not provide a stable base for new tiling. Gently tap the tiles to identify any hollow sounds or areas of concern.

Tile Cleanliness

Ensure the existing tiles are clean and free from mold, mildew, or soap scum. Properly clean and disinfect the tiles before starting the tiling process.

Tile Surface

Inspect the existing surface of the tiles for cracks, chips, or irregularities. Minor imperfections are often addressed, but significant damage may require tile removal.

Grout Condition

Examine the condition of the grout lines. Tiles that are cracked or crumbling grout should be replaced before tiling over mortar the existing tiles.

Choosing the Right Tiles for Tiling Over Existing Shower Pan Tiles

Choosing the right type for the new tiling job is essential when considering tiling over existing tiles in a shower. Not all tile materials are suitable for this process. Ideally, you should select a new layer of tile that meets specific criteria to ensure a successful outcome:

Ceramic Tiles:

Ceramic tiles are a popular choice for tiling over existing tiles. They are durable, relatively easy to work with and come in various styles and colors. If the existing tiles are in good condition and securely adhered, ceramic tiles can be an excellent option.

Porcelain Tiles:

Porcelain tiles are another excellent choice for tiling over existing tiles. They are highly durable, water-resistant, and versatile in terms of design. Porcelain tiles can withstand the moisture and humidity of a shower environment.

Glass Tiles:

Glass tiles are a stylish option for shower walls, and they can be installed over existing tiles if the surface is well-prepared. They add a touch of elegance and can create beautiful light effects in your shower.

Stone Tiles:

Natural stone tiles, such as travertine, marble, or slate, can be used for tiling over existing tiles if properly sealed and maintained. These tiles provide a luxurious and unique look to your shower.

Mosaic Tiles:

Mosaic tiles, which come in various materials, including glass, ceramic, and stone, are well-suited for creating intricate patterns and designs. They can add decorative accents or cover specific areas over existing tiles.

It’s essential to note that the success of tiling over existing tiles depends not only on the type of tile but also on the condition of the existing tiles and proper preparation. The existing tiles must be firmly attached to the wall, and any loose or damaged laying tiles should be addressed before tiling over them.

Advantages of Tile Over Tile in A Shower

Time and Cost Savings

One of the most compelling advantages of new floor tiles over existing tiles is the significant savings in both time and money. Here’s a closer look at this benefit:

Elimination of Demolition Costs:

Traditional bathroom renovations often involve laborious and messy tile removal. This includes breaking and disposing of old tiles, which can be time-consuming and costly. Tiling over existing tiles completely bypasses this step, saving you the expenses associated with demolition.

Reduction in Labor Costs:

Removing existing tiles, especially stubbornly adhered ones, typically requires professional assistance. Tiling over existing tiles minimizes the need for skilled labor, reducing project costs.

Faster Completion:

Traditional renovations can be disruptive, with bathroom spaces out of commission for extended periods. Tiling over tile streamlines the process, allowing you to enjoy your renovated shower much sooner. This is especially advantageous if you have limited access to alternative bathing facilities.

Eco-Friendly Option

In an era where environmental sustainability is a growing concern, tiling over the old tiles offers notable eco-friendly benefits:

Reduction in Waste:

Removing old tiles generates a substantial amount of waste, often in landfills. By choosing to tile over tile, you contribute to waste reduction, minimizing the environmental impact of your renovation.

Conservation of Resources:

Manufacturing new tiles consumes valuable natural resources. When you tile over existing tiles, you extend the lifespan of the original tiles, reducing the demand for new materials. This conservation of resources aligns with eco-conscious principles.

Lower Carbon Footprint:

Traditional renovation processes, such as removing tiles and transporting new materials, contribute to carbon emissions. Tiling over tile reduces the need for such activities, lowering the overall carbon footprint of your project.

Opting to tile over existing tiles saves time and money and contributes to environmental sustainability. This eco-friendly approach aligns with the growing awareness of the need to reduce waste and conserve resources in home improvement projects.

Potential Challenges

Thickness and Weight

Tiling over tile can increase the thickness and weight of the wall or floor. It’s important to consider whether the added thickness will impact the bathroom’s fixtures, doors, or other elements.

Grout Lines

Existing grout lines can create uneven surfaces. Appropriately fill and level the existing grout lines before installing the tiles to achieve a smooth and uniform finish.

Step-by-Step Guide: Can You Tile Over Tile in A Shower?

Gather Your Materials

Before you start the tiling process, ensure you have all the necessary materials and tools ready. These typically include:

  • New Tiles: Choose tiles that complement your bathroom’s aesthetic and are suitable for wet areas.
  • Tile Adhesive: Select a high-quality adhesive designed for tile-over-tile applications.
  • Tile Spacers: These ensure even gaps between tiles for Grout and a polished finish.
  • Trowel: A notched trowel helps evenly distribute the adhesive.
  • Grout: Choose Grout that complements your tile color and is suitable for wet environments.
  • Tile Cutter or Wet Saw: You may need to cut tiles to fit the edges and corners.
  • Level, Measuring Tape, and Pencil: Essential for precise tile placement.
  • Sponge and Buckets: Used for cleaning and grout application.
  • Safety Gear: Wear safety glasses and gloves during the tiling process.

Surface Preparation

Clean Existing Tiles:

Start by thoroughly cleaning the existing tiles. Remove dirt, soap scum, or mold using a suitable bathroom cleaner. Rinse and allow them to dry completely.

Sand or Scuff:

Lightly sand or scuff the surface depending on the existing tile’s finish. This helps the new adhesive bond effectively. Wipe away any dust.

Adhesive Application

Mix Adhesive:

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the tile adhesive. Ensure it has the right consistency for easy application.

Apply Adhesive:

Using the notched trowel, spread a thin layer over a small section of tiles. Work in manageable sections to prevent the glue from drying too quickly.

Tile Installation

Place Tiles:

Carefully place the new tiles onto the adhesive, starting from the center and working outwards. Press each tile firmly to ensure a secure bond.

Use Spacers:

Insert tile spacers between tiles to maintain consistent gaps for grout. Adjust the spacers as needed to achieve uniform spacing.

Check for Level:

Use a level to ensure the tiles are aligned correctly horizontally and vertically. Make adjustments as necessary.

Cut Tiles:

When you reach edges, corners, or fixtures, measure and cut tiles using a tile cutter or wet saw. Ensure precise fits.


Prepare Grout:

Mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It should have a smooth, lump-free consistency.

Apply Grout:

Press the grout into the spaces between tiles at a 45-degree angle using a grout float. Ensure that all gaps are filled.

Remove Excess Grout:

After applying Grout, remove excess from the tile surfaces using a damp sponge. Rinse the sponge frequently to keep it clean.

Let Grout Cure:

Allow the Groutto cure for the recommended time (usually 24-48 hours). Avoid exposing it to moisture during this period.

Final Steps

Seal Grout (Optional):

Consider applying a grout sealer to protect against moisture and stains.

Clean Tiles:

Give your newly tiled shower a final cleaning to remove any remaining grout residue or streaks.

Following these steps will enable you to successfully tile over existing tiles in your shower, giving your bathroom a fresh and updated appearance without needing tile removal and demolition.

Tips for a Successful Shower Tile Over Tile

To ensure a smooth and successful shower tile renovation, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

Plan Your Layout

Before you start tiling, plan the layout of your new tiles carefully. Measure and mark the centerline of the wall to ensure that your tiles are evenly spaced and aligned. This step is crucial for achieving a professional and aesthetically pleasing result.

Use High-Quality Materials

Investing in high-quality tiles and adhesives is essential for a long-lasting and beautiful finish. Quality materials are more resistant to moisture and wear and tear, making them ideal for a wet environment like a shower.

Consider Waterproofing

Waterproofing is critical in a shower area to prevent water from seeping behind the tiles and causing damage to the wall tiles. Consider applying a waterproofing membrane or using waterproofing materials to ensure a watertight seal.

Work in Sections

When applying adhesive and setting tiles, work in manageable sections. This approach ensures that the bond remains workable, and you can maintain proper alignment and spacing as you progress.

Test Your Design

Before committing to the complete installation, lay out a few tiles to assess the design and pattern. This step allows you to make necessary adjustments before permanently setting the tiles.

Maintain Proper Maintenance

After completing the tiling process, cleaning and maintaining your shower tiles regularly is crucial. Use appropriate tile cleaners and sealers to protect your investment and keep your shower looking pristine.


Tiling over tile in a shower can be a practical and cost-effective way to update your bathroom. It offers advantages such as time, cost savings, and environmental benefits. However, addressing potential challenges, including thickness and grout lines, is essential. Following the step-by-step guide can achieve a beautiful and refreshed bathroom space.


Is tiling over tile a DIY project?

Tiling over tile can be a DIY project but requires careful preparation and attention to detail. If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult a professional.

Can I tile over any tile?

While it’s possible to tile over most types of tile, it’s essential to ensure that the existing tiles are in good condition and adequately prepared.

Do I need to seal the new tiles after installation?

Sealing the new tiles and grout is recommended to protect them from moisture and stains.

How long does the adhesive take to set?

The drying time for adhesive can vary depending on the product. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific glue you’re using.

Can I tile over the tile on the shower floor?

Yes, you can tile over tile on the shower floor, but make sure to use slip-resistant tiles to prevent accidents.

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