How Long Does It Take to Tile a Shower: Bathroom Tile Installation Time

If you want to make your bathroom look new, consider putting tiles in the shower. Tiles can make your bathroom look nice, and they’re also easy to take care of. But you might wonder, “How long does it take to tile a shower?” This guide will tell you what can make tiling a shower take longer or less.
How Long Does It Take to Tile a Shower?
How Long Does It Take to Tile a Shower?

How Long Does It Take to Tile a Shower or Bathroom

The time it takes to tile a shower can vary widely depending on the abovementioned factors. On average, a professional installer can complete the tiling of a standard-sized shower in about 2 to 3 days. However, larger or more complex projects can take longer, sometimes up to a week or more.

The Step-by-Step Process to Install Tiles

1. Planning and Preparation

Before starting to tile a shower, thorough planning and preparation are essential to ensure a smooth and successful project. This phase sets the foundation for the entire process, and attention to detail here can save you time and headaches later on.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Accurate measurements are the first step in the journey to tile a shower. Take precise measurements of your shower area, including the height and width of the shower walls you plan to tile. It’s crucial to be exact to avoid overordering or underordering tiles, which can lead to delays and extra expenses.

Tile Selection

Choosing the suitable tiles is a critical decision. Consider factors such as the type, size, and style of tiles you want for your shower. The tiles’ material and suitability for wet areas like showers are also important factors to weigh. Research and visit tile showrooms to find the perfect tiles for your project.

By dedicating time to planning and making informed choices during this phase, you set the stage for a successful and visually appealing tiled shower. Remember that proper preparation is critical to achieving the results you desire.

2. Preparing the Surface

Planning and making good choices now will help your tiled shower look great and be a success later. Remember, getting things ready is very important for the results you want.

Demo Day

If your shower already has existing tiles, the first step is to remove them. This process can be time-consuming, so allocate a day for what many refer to as “Demo Day.” Use the right tools and safety gear, and be prepared for dust and debris. Properly disposing of the old tiles and ensuring a clean slate is crucial for a successful bathroom tiling job.

Surface Preparation

With a clean canvas, the next step is to prepare the walls for the new tiles. Here’s what you should do:

  • Check for Flatness: Ensure that the walls are flat and even. Any irregularities can affect the alignment of the tiles.
  • Dryness is Key: Make sure the walls are dry. Moisture can impact the adhesion of the tiles and lead to future issues.
  • Remove Debris: Clean the walls thoroughly to remove dust, dirt, or debris. A clean surface is essential for proper tile adhesion.
  • Patch and Repair: If the wall has holes or imperfections, patch them up with an appropriate filler and sand them smooth. This step is crucial for a seamless tiling job.

Investing time and effort into preparing the surface sets the stage for a successful tiling project. It ensures that your new tiles adhere securely and that the final result is visually appealing and long-lasting.

3. Tile Installation

Now that you’ve meticulously planned, selected your tiles, and prepared the surface, it’s time to dive into the actual tiling process to tile a shower. This is where you’ll bring your vision to life, transforming your shower into a beautifully tiled space.

Start with the Back Wall

Begin the actual tile installation by starting with the back wall of the shower. Apply adhesive to the substrate using a notched trowel, and then carefully set the tiles in place.

Pay Attention to Spacing and Alignment

Use tile spacers to maintain even gaps between tiles. This ensures that the tiles are aligned correctly and allows room for grout.

Continue with the Side Walls and Ceiling

After completing the back wall, move on to the side walls and ceiling, following the same procedure. Cut tiles with the tile cutter to fit around corners and edges, ensuring a seamless appearance.

4. Grouting

Allow the Adhesive to Set

Before grouting, allow the adhesive to set for the recommended time. This ensures that the tiles are firmly attached to the substrate.

Apply Grout, Ensuring All Gaps Are Filled

Using a rubber float, mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s directions before spreading it into the spaces between the tiles. Make sure all gaps are filled with grout.

Clean Excess Grout from the Tiles

After applying the grout, use a damp sponge to remove excess grout from the tile surfaces. This step helps achieve a clean and polished look.

5. Finishing Touches

Apply Sealant to Protect the Grout

To prevent moisture infiltration and maintain the integrity of the grout, apply a suitable sealant. This step is essential for the long-term durability of your tiled shower.

Install Fixtures, Such as Faucets and Showerheads

Install fixtures like faucets and showerheads once the tile and grout are in place. To avoid water leaks, make sure they are securely sealed.

Clean the Tiles and Shower Area

Finally, thoroughly clean the tiles and the entire shower area to remove any grout residue or debris. This leaves your newly tiled shower looking pristine and ready for use.

Factors Affecting Tile Installation Time to Tile Your Bathroom

The time it takes to tile a shower floor can vary significantly based on several factors. Understanding these variables is crucial for setting realistic expectations and planning your project effectively. Here are the key factors that can impact the timeline of your tiling project:

Size of the Area:

The primary factor affecting the time required is the size of the shower or bathroom. A small bathroom with minimal wall and floor space will naturally take less time to tile than a larger, more expansive area.

Experience Level

Your level of expertise in tiling plays a substantial role in how long it will take. Experienced tile installers may work more efficiently and make fewer errors, reducing the timeline. Usually, a Professional tiler will take 6 to 8 hours to complete the process. However, novices may need extra time to ensure precision and avoid mistakes.

Tile Type

The type of tiles you choose can influence the project’s duration. Larger or more intricate tiles may take longer to install than smaller, standard-sized tiles. Additionally, certain materials, like natural stone, may require more time for cutting and precise placement.

Complex Designs

If you opt for complex tile designs or intricate patterns, expect the project to take longer. Complicated layouts demand meticulous planning and attention to detail, which can extend the timeline.

Additional Features

Incorporating extra features into your shower, such as niches, shelves, or decorative accents, will add time to the project. These elements require careful installation and may involve additional steps in the tiling process.

Considering these factors and their potential impact on the timeline, you can better prepare for your tiling project and ensure it aligns with your schedule and expectations.

Tips for Efficient Shower Tiling

To expedite your shower tiling project, consider the following tips:

Plan Thoroughly

Before starting to tile a shower, create a detailed plan outlining the design, tile layout, and materials needed. Having a clear roadmap can help prevent costly mistakes and save time.

Invest in Quality Tools

Using high-quality tile tools to tile a shower can significantly speed up installation. Invest in tile spacers, a tile saw, and a leveling system to ensure precise results.

Work Methodically

Start tile a shower from the center and work outward to maintain symmetry. Take your time to ensure each tile is level and evenly spaced.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

If you encounter challenges or feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a professional tiler. They can help you avoid costly errors and ensure a beautiful, long-lasting result.


In conclusion, the time it takes to tile a shower can vary widely depending on several factors. A straightforward tiling project can take a few days to a week. Planning, preparing, and executing each step meticulously is essential to ensure a successful and timely outcome.

If you want to transform your bathroom with a beautifully tiled shower, remember that while it may take some time and effort, the result is well worth it. Enjoy your newly tiled shower and its enhanced appeal to your bathroom space.


Can I tile my shower on my own?

Tiling a shower is a skilled job, but with proper research and preparation, it can be a DIY project for those with some experience.

Do I need to hire a professional for complex designs?

Yes, intricate designs may require the expertise of a professional tile installer to ensure precision.

How do I choose the suitable tiles for my shower?

Consider size, material, and slip resistance when selecting tiles for your shower.

What is the recommended grout drying time?

Typically, allow 24 to 48 hours for grout to dry before the shower.

How can I maintain my tiled shower for longevity?

Regularly clean and seal grout lines, and avoid using abrasive cleaners to preserve the tiles’ appearance and integrity.

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