How to Tile Corners of Shower: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to bathroom renovations, tiling the corners of your shower is often an overlooked but crucial aspect of achieving a polished and professional finish. A well-tiled corner not only enhances your bathroom’s aesthetics but also ensures your shower’s longevity and durability. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of tiling shower corners like a seasoned pro.

How to Tile Corners of Shower
How to Tile Corners of Shower

Table of Contents

Understanding Tiling the Corner of Shower Tile

Tiling shower corners is essential when fixing or building a bathroom. It makes the bathroom look good and prevents water from entering the walls. This keeps your bathroom safe from mold, rot, and wall damage.

Steps Through How to Tile Corners of Shower:

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Before diving into your tiling project, gather the necessary tools and materials. You’ll need:

  • Tiles of your choice
  • Thinset mortar
  • Tile spacers
  • Tile adhesive
  • Notched trowel
  • Tile cutter or wet saw
  • Level
  • Rubber mallet
  • Grout and grout float
  • Sponge
  • Bucket for mixing mortar and grout
  • Safety goggles and gloves

Preparing Your Shower Walls

Proper preparation is critical to a successful tiling project. Clean the shower walls thoroughly and ensure they are free from debris or old Adhesive on the wall. Fix any cracks or rough spots on the wall corner, and wait for it to dry before moving on.

Measuring and Cutting Tiles

Measure your shower walls and corners carefully. Then, cut the tiles to the correct size using a tile cutter or wet saw. Ensure the cuts are exact, especially for corner tiles, for a proper look.

Applying the Thinset Mortar

As directed by the manufacturer, mix the thin-set mortar. Using a notched trowel, apply a thin, even layer of mortar to a small section of the wall. This will serve as the Adhesive for your tiles.

Placing the First Tile

Carefully press the first tile into the mortar, ensuring it is level and properly aligned. Use a rubber mallet to tap the tile into place gently. Insert tile spacers to maintain consistent corner gaps between tiles.

Spacing and Leveling

As you continue placing tiles, use a level to ensure they are horizontally and vertically aligned. Adjust the tiles as needed, and remove any excess mortar that may squeeze out from the gaps.

Continuing the Tile Installation

Repeat applying mortar, placing tiles, and spacing until you’ve covered all the shower walls and corners. Take your time to achieve a uniform and aesthetically pleasing layout.

Dealing with Corners and Tile Edges

Tiling corners can be tricky. To tackle this, cut tiles diagonally to create triangular pieces of tiles that fit snugly into the corner. Ensure the corners are aligned and level with the rest of the tiles.

Grouting the Tiles

The tiles need to be grouted after the mortar has dried. Mix the grout following the manufacturer’s instructions, and apply it with a grout float, pressing it into the gaps. Wipe away excess grout with a damp sponge after grout is applied.

Cleaning and Finishing Touches

Clean the tiles thoroughly after the grout has dried to remove any haze. Apply a sealer to the grout lines to prevent moisture infiltration.

Finish by polishing the tiles to a shine.

Purpose of Corner Tiling in a Shower

The purpose of corner tiling in a shower is multifaceted and serves several vital functions:


One of the primary purposes of corner tiling is to create a waterproof barrier in the corners of the shower.  In bathrooms, where there’s lots of water, if you don’t tile into the corners, the water can go inside the walls and make them wrong. Tiling the corners stops this and helps keep the walls solid and free from problems like mold and rot.


Corner tiling contributes significantly to the overall visual appeal of the shower. It provides a finished and polished look, creating clean lines and defined edges. Well-executed corner tiling walls enhance the aesthetic quality of the bathroom tiles, making it more visually pleasing.


Tiled corners are more durable compared to other finishing options. They can take a lot of water and stay good without breaking or changing color. This ensures the shower looks nice and works well for a long time. 


Cleaning tiled corners is quite simple. Tiles don’t let mold grow easily and are smooth to clean. This keeps the shower clean and healthy.

Structural Integrity:

When corner tiles are installed right, they protect the shower’s structure. They stop water and moisture from causing damage. This way, the walls stay strong and don’t get weak or damaged from wetness.


Corner tiling is an investment in the long-term health and appearance of the shower. When done correctly, it can extend the battery’s life and prevent costly repairs or renovations due to water-related issues.


Corner tiling allows for creative customization of the shower’s design. Homeowners can choose from various tile styles, colors, and patterns to achieve the desired classic, contemporary, or unique look.

To sum it up, tiling corners in a shower is significant. It stops water, makes it last longer, and looks nice. It also keeps the shower’s structure strong. When done right, your shower will stay nice and work well for many years.

Tips for Tiling Inside Corners

Proper Preparation:

Begin by preparing the surface properly. Ensure the inside corner is clean, dry, and free from debris or old Adhesive. Use a scraper or sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas, creating a clean and even surface for the tiles.

Select Suitable Tiles:

Choose tiles that are designed for the specific demands of the shower environment. Ceramic and porcelain tiles are common options because of their tenacity and water resistance. Ensure that the tiles are of the appropriate size and thickness for the inside corner.

Use the Right Tools:

Invest in quality tools for tiling, including a tile cutter or wet saw for precise cuts. Also, use spacers to keep even gaps between tiles in the corners, making sure it look professional.

Cut Tiles Carefully:

When cutting tiles to fit the inside corner, measure and mark your tile accurately. Use a tile cutter or wet saw to make clean, precise cuts. Ensure the cut tiles fit snugly into the corner without gaps or overlaps.

Start with a Center Line:

Before applying Adhesive, draw a vertical center line in the inside corner. This line will make sure the tiles are aligned symmetrically from the center outward.

Apply Adhesive:

Use thin-set mortar or tile adhesive to secure the tiles in place. Apply the glue to the wall tile and the back for proper adhesion. Ensure that the adhesive is applied evenly.

Place Tiles Carefully:

Begin by placing the first tile in the center of the inside corner, aligning it with the vertical center line. Press the tile firmly into the Adhesive, ensuring it is level and flush with the adjacent walls.

Use Tile Spacers:

Insert tile spacers between the tiles to maintain consistent gaps. This step is crucial for grouting later and ensures the tiles are evenly spaced.

Check for Level and Plumb:

Use a level and plumb line to check if the tiles are straight horizontally. Adjust the tiles to keep the installation looking good if they’re not straight edges.

Be Patient:

Allow the Adhesive to set before grouting. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended drying time, usually 24 hours, to ensure the tiles stick well to the wall.

Grout Carefully:

Once the Adhesive has dried, remove the tile spacers and grout the inside corner. Mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it with a grout float. Ensure that the grout is pressed firmly into the gaps.

Clean Thoroughly:

After grouting, clean the tiles with a damp sponge to remove excess grout from the surface. Be gentle to avoid disturbing the grout lines. Let the grout dry completely.

Seal the Grout:

Apply a grout sealer to the inside corner to protect the grout and maintain water resistance. This extra step helps prevent moisture infiltration and extends the lifespan of the tiled corner.

Maintenance Tips to tile into a corner:

Regular Cleaning:

To keep your newly tiled shower corners pristine, cleaning them regularly is essential. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner and a soft sponge or cloth to wipe down the tiles and grout. This will help prevent the buildup of soap scum and mold.

Inspect for Damage:

Periodically inspect the tiled corners for any signs of damage. Check for cracked or chipped tiles, loose grout, or water stains. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Grout Sealing:

Put grout sealer on the grout lines in your tiled corners. Grout can soak up water and cause mold and damage. Sealing the grout stops water from getting in and makes cleaning simple.

Avoid Harsh Cleaners:

Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners or abrasive scrubbers while keeping your tiles clean is essential. These can damage the tiles and grout. Stick to mild cleaners and gentle cleaning tools.

Replace Damaged Tiles:

If you notice any cracked or damaged tiles, it’s crucial to replace them promptly. Damaged tiles can compromise the water resistance of your shower walls. Remove the damaged tile carefully and replace it with a new one using appropriate Adhesive.

Maintain Caulk Joints:

Check the caulk joints in the corners where the tiles meet the shower tray and ceiling. Remove the old caulk and reapply the fresh caulk to maintain a watertight seal if you notice any gaps or deterioration.


Proper ventilation is essential to prevent moisture buildup in your shower. Ensure your bathroom has a working exhaust fan or window to allow moisture to escape. This helps prevent mold and mildew growth.

Avoid Sharp Objects:

Be cautious when using sharp objects or abrasive materials in the shower. Scratches or cuts on the tiles can damage their appearance and make them more susceptible to moisture infiltration.

Regular Maintenance Schedule:

Make a schedule to check your shower tiles and corners regularly. This helps you find and fix issues before they get big.

Professional Inspection:

Consider having your tiled shower corners inspected and maintained. An expert can find hidden problems and give you the right solutions to keep your tiles in good shape.
If you do these maintenance steps, your shower tiles will stay nice and work well for many years.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Tiling Inside Corners

Inadequate Surface Preparation:

Neglecting correctly cleaning and preparing the inside corner surface can lead to poor adhesion. Ensure that the corner is free of dirt, debris, and old Adhesive, and create a smooth, clean surface for the tiles.

Choosing Inappropriate Tiles:

Using tiles not meant for wet places or too big or thick tiles can make installing them harder, and they might not look as nice.

Poor Tile Cutting:

Inaccurate tile cutting can lead to uneven gaps and misalignment in the inside corner. Invest in quality tile-cutting tools and take your time to make precise cuts.

Neglecting a Center Line:

Using tiles not meant for wet places or too big or thick tiles can make installing them harder, and they might not look as nice.

Uneven Application of Adhesive:

Applying Adhesive unevenly on the wall or back of the tile can cause tiles to slip or not adhere properly. Ensure a consistent and thorough application of glue for secure attachment.

Skipping the Use of Tile Spacers:

Forgetting to insert tile spacers between tiles can result in irregular gaps and misaligned tiles. Use tile spacers to maintain uniform spacing for grouting.

Ignoring Level and Plumb Checks:

Failing to check for level and plumb during tiling the inside corner can lead to a crooked and uneven inside corner. Regularly use a level and plumb line to ensure proper alignment.

Grouting Too Soon:

Applying grout before the fully set Adhesive can lead to tiles shifting or dislodging. Follow the recommended drying time for glue before grouting.

Improper Grout Application:

Careless grout application can result in uneven grout lines and a messy appearance. Ensure that grout is evenly spread and pressed into the gaps between tiles.

Rushing the Cleaning Process:

Cleaning tiles too vigorously or quickly after grouting can damage the grout lines. Be gentle when cleaning to avoid disturbing the grout while still setting.

Neglecting Grout Sealing:

If you don’t seal the grout after it dries, it might get discolored and damaged by water. So, it’s important to use a grout sealer to protect it.

Overlooking Tile Alignment:

Ensuring the inside corner tiles line up with the walls and other tiles is important for a good look. Pay attention to this when you install them.
If you avoid these mistakes, your inside corners will look nice and professional, whether tiling a shower or elsewhere in your home.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the best preparation and execution, issues can occasionally arise with tiled shower corners. Here are some typical issues and solutions for them:

Cracked Tiles:

If a tile cracks, carefully remove the damaged tile, clean the area, and replace it with a new one using appropriate adhesive.

Grout Discoloration:

If your grout becomes discolored, use a grout cleaner or color restorer to refresh its appearance.

Mold and Mildew:

To tackle mold and mildew growth, use a mixture of white vinegar and water or a specialized mold and mildew remover. Scrub gently to avoid damaging the grout.

Loose Tiles:

If tiles become loose over time, carefully remove them, clean the old adhesive, and reinstall them with fresh adhesive.

Leaking Seams:

If you notice water leaking through seams, remove the old caulk, clean the area thoroughly, and reapply a waterproof silicone caulk.

Uneven Grout Lines:

If your grout lines are uneven, consider regrouting the affected area for a more uniform appearance.


In conclusion, tiling the corners of your shower like a pro is achievable with the right tools, materials, and techniques. Follow this step-by-step guide to transform your shower into a stunning and functional space. Don’t forget to maintain your tiled corners regularly to ensure longevity and beauty.


Can I tile over the existing tiles in my shower?

Tiling over existing tiles is possible but not recommended. Removing the old tiles is best to ensure proper adhesion and a smooth surface for your new tiles.

How do I choose the right tile for my shower?

Select tiles that are designed for wet environments and are slip-resistant. Porcelain and ceramic tiles are popular choices for shower walls.

What is the best way to clean and maintain tiled corners?

Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner and a soft sponge or cloth to clean your tiled corners regularly. Apply a grout sealer to prevent moisture penetration.

Should I hire a professional for tiling corners?

Although you can tile corners yourself, getting a professional helps for tricky designs and a perfect result.

Can I use different tile sizes for the walls and corners of my shower?

Different tile sizes can create a unique visual effect, but ensure they are compatible in thickness and style to maintain a cohesive look.

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